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Radio Nieuws

Peter de Wit Inzamelingsactie

Met diepe droefheid laten we weten dat onze voormalige collega bij Radio Monique Internationaal, Peter de Wit (Marcel Kort), ernstig ziek is. Tot juni 2024 presenteerde Peter de zondagmiddagmatinee op Radio Monique Internationaal, en hij was actief bij verschillende andere radiostations. Onze collega Brenda van Kranen van Focus103 heeft een inzamelingsactie georganiseerd om Peter en zijn vrouw in deze zware tijd financieel te ondersteunen. Het is een aangrijpende situatie, en […]

today27 oktober 2024 140 6 5


5 Examples Of Fine – Line Interpretations In Public Life!

The National have confirmed that they will start recording their next album "soon". The US band released their sixth album 'Trouble Will Find Me' in 2013, more recently showcasing new song 'Roman Candle' live. With frontman Morgan recently saying that the group need to "change and evolve" on their next record, guitarist Morgan has now confirmed to Pitchfork that they have assembled a new studio to record in. "We need […]

today19 maart 2021 46 2 5


Black Lives Matter is not over, fighting for the rights of everyone

Like any music, jazz has its revolutions; its sudden incidents in infrastructure; its disruptive presences of unprecedented sound. Mostly it's slower than that, though, with years and generations of accretions before it seems to call for new vocabulary. That's one way to look at Winter Rockfest, whose latest incarnation occupied a dozen or so venues in downtown New York City last weekend. In a decade and a half of steady […]

today10 maart 2021 18 2


What Is the Future of Artificial Intelligence Courses in South Africa?

The line-up for the industrial, EBM and synthpop festival E-tropolis in Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Ruhr, on March 28 is complete. For the most part, though, people just happening to pass by the two-block campus during Public Practice sessions are at the best advantage to enjoy the notes in the air, mixing with the environment. “We organize it so that several musicians are playing concurrently, in different areas of the campus,” […]

today5 maart 2021 24


